Accessibility sessions for digital communicators

Helping teams create accessible campaigns, social media, and documents

Directing campaigns and communications at specific target audiences often causes digital communicators to deprioritise designing for accessibility and a wide range of user needs.

Whilst working in the communications team at the Government Digital Service (GDS), I learned first hand that designing for accessibility from the start was a much better approach.

Engaging our team

At the time, it was hard to understand common mistakes that excluded users and then find advice that helped to solve them.

This presentation aimed to provide colleagues with a starting point on which they could aspire to learn more. Sharing these tips for accessibile creative content helped build a culture of accessibility within the team.

Engaging a wider audience

We soon realised there was an appetite for this content outside of our communications team. Using feedback from the initial presentation, I worked with colleagues to produce accessiblility training materials for the Government Communications Service (GCS).

I co-delivered four cross government webinars with the Head of Accessibility through the Government Communications Service and the Police and Crime Commisioners networks. When I moved onto the GOV.UK Design System team, I trained my communications colleagues to deliver the session and answer questions responsibly.

Content Conference (ConCon) 2020

Through the webinars in accessible digital communications, I was recommended to speak at ConCon 2020 on creating and publishing accessible documents.

The content community then asked me to run a follow up lunch and learn session covering more detail on how to engage and work with stakeholders.

These sessions were each attended by over 100 people from across government. In 2020 I spoke to over 500 participants about accessibility.
